OSTEOPRAT ENGLAND / Cranio-Fascial Osteopathy : Theory / Practise / Formation / Teaching



From its origin (phylogenesis) and from each stage of its development, the Body, to better allow the internal homeostasis, organises and adapts itself in an automatical way its cranio- fascial structure according to its needs coming from life perceptions.
Therefore it registers all traumatic memories in the tissues, either emotional and physical and it manifests itself through the architectural organization as real fluid physical imprinting in continual change.
The physical perception will allow the access to this memories:
perception of the condition and relation of the fundamental architectural elements (triangles and spheres);
perception of the balance of the body dynamic fluid (PRM or primary respiratory movement).

The occipital base and the sacrum allow us to access the general organization :
they are a crossroad between the superficial and deep membranous system.
As a real hard disk, they are the starting and arrival points of the structural organization of the body.

The cranio-fasciale adaptation organized by the body at a certain moment of its development is always the best solution that it could find to preserve homeostasis (corporal subconscious) even with an high energy cost.
The perception of this structure will allow us to propose a new relation beetwen the body parts to find a new solution with a lower energy cost.

It is then possible
to comprend the structural organization of a body;
to access the most remote adaptive area of the body ;
to date the adaptation process;
to give it a meaning;
to propose a new organization.

The intention is not to try to eliminate the symtom but to take away the necessity of its exixtence.

Thanks to the new balance choice the body will access a new level of freedom and it will allow a new vertical potential, to give a meaning to the symptom, therefore to stop acting as a victim and if desired, to change his view over his own world.


Maechanic of the fluids
Cerebrospinal fluid
Primary zone

The fascia are the elements of support and they are disposed in continuity. They are classified in superficial osteo-membranous and a deep fascial cranio -sacral. Each one is strictly related to the other (reciprical tension balance). Their meeting points are located in the cranial and pelvic areas.
There are forces which interarct in this areas following line patterns due to architectural laws and fluid mechanichs.
The construction of osteo-fascial structures react with line forces, the result is a predominant fluidic reality :the spiral.
The stability of the body structure allows its mobility. This osteo-fascial structure responds to the law of gravity and to the fluid mechanics.

cerebro-spinal fluid is the most important fluid :
gives indication above the overall general health,
allows funtional diagnosis,
works as a verification for the treatment.

Primary zone for organization and adaptation (“hard disk„)
The relation between the areas of ossification of the occipital base (condilar pars and basilar apophysis ), give us indication above structural adaptive patterns acquired by the body during its evolution since its origin. Simply by listening to the hard-disc there is the possibility to propose the patient a different and less energetically costly solution.
We are concern about the relation (distance) between this points. The fluidic area between 2 points (or more) is always in evolution and represents the individual structure and function.


Architectural: study of the line force flow in the osteo-fascial structure andtheir organization (bone trabeculae, legamentous fibers, keystones, torsion elements).
This architectural concept of the human body allows a much more precise understanding of the role of the joints, of their biomechanics and therefore to give a meaning joint lesions.
Biomechanics: study of the relation (balance) between the sinergies of the body (stability and mobility systems).
Fluidic: study of the physic laws which give origin to the movement (fluid mechanics, cynetic energy) and adaptive solutions.


phylogenesi and ontogenesi: study of the evolutional phases of the human being from his origin (phylogenesis) and conception (ontogenesis).
Somatization process : study of the adaptation process related to the envyronment and imprinted in the body structure. Dating.


Diagnostical and systemic approach, which allow us to follow in progression from point to point to reach the primary lesion.
Based on : PRM, the reciprocal tension balance of the membranes, the architectural and biomechanical connections.
This diagnostic procedure allows:
to stay in touch with the adaptive reality of the human being (not a logical intellectual defined process).
Practise treatment with more than one therapist at the same time (having same language between hands).